Thursday, April 17, 2008

Unity In Diversity.

Unity In Diversity

This is a line which never made sense to me back in school, my civics teacher would go on and on about this subject while I never found this interesting, EVER. I always wondered why she was so passionate about this topic.. days went by, weeks, months and years went by...

I guess I learnt what I had to learn; As a country, we went through a phase, a phase of growth, globalization. Manufacturing boomed, Outsourcing boomed and so has retail now. We've seen so much happen in the country and I've personally felt a lot emotional when there was an Earthquake, a Tsunami or a Kargil Attack. however, this line "Unity in Diversity" never struck me.

It took a movie to make me feel "The Feeling", I went this theatre to watch a movie and as usual, I was a lil' early and had to sit through the countless advertisements, after all the flam and glam ads, I saw a clip that read "Please stand up for the national Anthem" and I thought this was another funny ad, just before I could make a comment, the music started and I stood up; honestly, it was more of an involuntary action. I stood up and I saw the whole video, wonderfully made, I could see soldiers from every part of the country. All of them serving the nation, Uber-Patriotism!

A moment for a "Paradigm Shift" my whole philosophy of Patriotism, gained a new perspective, I could feel that I'm so touched, I could feel the goose bumps. I was clearly excited and floored by just looking at the Men who protect the country.

This day I saw nothing else but the true meaning of the term "Unity in Diversity" - Lovely Line!


layman said...

I wonder what would take me to feel partiotic! Before that I must understand the meaning of Partiotism. :D Good work with you debut article. Keep it up machi!

Mindful Spirit said...
